Friday, November 18, 2016

Subsistence is a open world survival game in which you are alone in a Forrest and have nothing but a glow stick, a gun and an axe. The object of the game is survival, you must build up a base to live in while wild animals like bears and wolfs try to kill you. Some of my tips to survival would be to collect the chests that are spread throughout the map which can give you resources such as medical supplies, food, weapons, building supplies and much more. Having a base is a very important step to not dying, you can hide from animals in your base and keep warm at night in your base using a camp fire, if you are outside during the night you can freeze to death which is something you need to deal with. 

AI Hunter's never showed up at my base and i'm not sure why. I have had the advanced base piece for the last couple days of playing but i didnt come across any.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Getting wood for the gun
Putting all the parts together
The amazing gun itself

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Wood planks
Wood foundation 
Wood Wall
Wood Crate

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Subsistence Day 2: Lots of failure!

Today the objective was to build a base which proved to be much harder then i had expected. The amount of minerals it takes just to build something like a wall was insane, the closest i got to building a base was a foundation with a fire on it but shortly after building it i was destroyed by a bear.

I learned a few things today such as to try and not be far up hills because of the cold and that trying to fight the bears is pointless because they kill me in two hits. Nails are something that i have trouble finding so when i do get some i need to try really hard to stay alive so i can finally start up a base and survive. I also learned how to flip people off which i'm quite proud of.